Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's for Dinner?

I've been ignoring this blog in favor of, oh I don't know... living life?  Back today with our meals list for the week.

We live right around the corner from a Harris Teeter and can run over there in <5 minutes, but today I went to Trader Joe's (a bit of a hike for us so I try to limit to 2x/month).  We have a fridge full of food!

I usually do my menu planning on Tuesday.  Why?  Well,  Tuesday night is our "dining out" night so instead of spending time cooking dinner, I spend it planning dinners for the rest of the week.  Kids eat free at Moe's and MacAlisters on Tuesday.  Moe's has to be the best deal in town- we can feed our whole family for well under $20 and the food is good, to boot.

Without further ado, our weekly menu:

Mon:   Potato-leek soup and roasted brussel sprouts
Tues:   Moe's
Weds:  Tuna casserole and green salad with feta and pomegranate seeds
Thurs:  Leftovers (supplemented with soup/salad/pasta as needed)
Friday: Pizza and spinach salad
Sat:  Eat out or grilled sausages or cheese fondue with salad
Sun:  Butternut squash and spinach shepherd's pie

We're baking pumpkin bread right now and I also plan to make zucchini bread and banana bread tonight or tomorrow.  The kids love these quickbreads; they are quick to bake and also make quick snacks or breakfast!  Recipes to come...

Yeah. We'll see how this goes.  I often get frustrated that I spend all this time planning/shopping/cooking and then the kids barely touch their food.  Mollie (6.5) is getting MUCH better about trying things so there is a little satisfaction!

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